Taher Dohadwala


Resume | LinkedIn | GitHub

Passionate about self-directed learning and practical applications of data science and machine learning

Graduating in December 2021, with a BS in Applied Statistics and a minor in Computer Science and Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Currently seeking entry level position as a Machine Learning Engineer or Data Scientist

Personal Projects

Serve Buddy



Developed a virtual assistant tennis coach that adapts to your serve technique and identifies form mistakes to improve serve consistency.

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This project makes use of a multi-class serve breakdown classifier, pose estimation model, and NLP models. Deployed on a raspberry pi 4 with a Google Coral TPU Accelerator, to work entirely on device.

Job Recommendation Platform



Created a job search platform where user-informed personalized models recommend relevant jobs.

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Job titles often have different underlying roles. When looking for a job with a particular role, the job title alone cannot guarantee a role matching what you are looking for. For example, the job title "Data Scientist" is generic, and contains different job roles; Data engineer, Data analyst, and ML engineer. The problem with job posting websites is that the particular data science role you are looking for is filled with the noise of the other roles. By having a recommendation model that is based on your own preferences, it can help to reduce noise in the job search space.